The Carden
Alvar is...
A globally significant natural mosaic covering 17,000 hectares, spanning northern Simcoe County and western City of Kawartha Lakes.
A vulnerable aquifer with a diverse mix of grasslands, wetlands, rock barrens and forests making up rare habitats which host many species including species at risk of extinction. ​
Carden Field Naturalists are...
Volunteers who focus on the stewardship, conservation and promotion of the unique beauty, abundant diversity and environmental importance of the Carden Alvar.
This is accomplished through community stewardship, conservation partnerships and political advocacy.
Community Stewardship
Conservation Partnership
J. Mitchell-Wilson
J. Mitchell-Wilson
C. Curran
CFN hosts guided walks and educational meetings aimed at building appreciation for the Alvar's natural features and species.
In cooperation our partners, CFN members serve as watchdogs to report any abuses or trespasses on the Alvar.
CFN are members of many local committees including; a public advisory committee for Miller quarry and the Carden Forum.
Invites local landowners and leaders to CFN meetings and outings to show the impact of historic and present local land use on ecology of the area. Building relationships that lead to collective stewardship of the Alvar
With other local partners, CFN undertakes maintenance activities such as controlling invasive species, installing wayfinding on trails and participating in the development of land management planning.
CFN actively opposed illegal soil dumping on Highland Farms resulting in many charges laid and advocated against a proposed gun range on Cedarhurst Ranch that assisted in the NCC's acquisition of this 1400-acre property.
Carden Field Naturalist Executive Committee
President: Neil Gray
Past President: Tom Wilson
Treasurer: Robert Haidner
Secretary: Neil Gray
Membership: Cherilyn Spraakman
Newsletter Editor: Ann Gray
Ontario Nature Reps: Ann & Neil Gray
Director: Janet Grand
Logistics: Karen Popp
Publicity & Archivist: Frances Laver
Website: Tom Wilson
Communications: Tawnya Hallman