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Local experts want to walk with you!
Individuals, Friends, Families, Social Groups.
to set up an adventure just for you!

Upcoming Member Meetings and Planned Hikes
- Wed, Mar 12JAMES KAMSTRA presents again at the CFN general meeting. So what does biodiversity mean? Just imagine all the different forms of life living on this rock face of life.
- Mon, Apr 21Join us again for the annual Sounds of Spring Walk on Wylie Rd. Meet at the BLUEBIRD RANCH on Wylie Rd as we stroll the wonders of spring together.
- Wed, May 14JORDAN HOWARD shares the NCC story, updates and whats going in Carden and Canada.
- Date and time is TBDCAROL ANN COTE and ALAIN COTE treat us to a walk on their farm after the snow leaves but before the black-flies move in. Date to follow Meet in the Carden Recreation parking lot
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